How to get Apprenticeship Training in KSEBL?|KSEB Apprenticeship Trainning|KSEB

 Two types of apprenticeship trainings are being given to the students at KSEBL – paid apprenticeship and un paid apprenticeship
As per the Apprenticeship Act, 1961, rate of stipend payable to Graduate Technician apprentices for one year training is detailed below.

Period of training : One year
Monthly stipend : The existing minimum monthly stipend rates as recommended by the Central Apprenticeship Council and notified by Government of India vide Notific ation No: G.S.R. 686(E) New Delhi, dated 25.09.2019 effective from 25.09.2019 is as follows:-
1. Graduate Apprentice : Rs.9000 per month
2. Technician Apprentice : Rs.8000 per month
Most of the industries are giving higher stipends and other facilities like subsidized canteen, conveyance etc.

Certificate of proficiency and preference in employment : The Board of Apprenticeship Training (SR), Chennai will issue Government of India certificates to the candidates who successfully complete one year training under the scheme. This certificate is considered as experience for employment under Central/State establishments by vide letter no:F.36-14/96-TS:IV, New Delhi dated 06/05/1997 and GO(Ms.) No: 635/2013/H.Edn, Dated 05.10.2013, Thiruvananthapuram. Some private industries absorb the candidates after apprentice training and Central Government industries give preference to them for the permanent employment
Students on completing the course, obtained registration number from the Supervisory Development Centre, NAD Road, Kalamassery (Tel.No. 0484-2556530) Email: Those who have obtained registration number can participate in the walk-in-interview scheduled by the Board of Apprenticeship, Chennai in co-ordination with Supervisory Development Centre, Kalamassery at various venues. (Notification will be published in the most circulated dailies).
To Register in SD Centre  
1. Eligibilities of Candidates are: 
(i) Candidates should have passed B Tech/ Polytechnic Diploma from the institutes approved by AICTE/Directorate of Technical Education of Concerned State. Degree/Diploma in Library Science, Medical Laboratory Technology, Hotel Management and Catering Technology etc are also eligible for apprentice training. Certificates should be from a University/ State Board of Technical Examination.
(ii) Candidates should not have undergone Apprenticeship Training elsewhere.
(iii) Candidate should not have work experience of one year or more.
(iv) Candidates should not have completed 3 years after passing of the qualifying examination. 
2. Download application from the website 
3. Remit fee in the Head of account 0202-02-800-94-OR at any treasury in Kerala. Rs. 80/- for B-Tech and Rs.65/- for diploma (SC/ST Rs.40 & Rs.35 respectively) 
4. Submit the filled up application along with the following attachments:
 (i) Original Chalan for fee remitted.
 (ii) Self attested copy of provisional /original certificates of qualifying examination. 
(iii) Self attested copy of consolidated final mark list/grade card. 
(iv) Copy of caste certificate/SSLC, if fee relaxation is claimed.
 5. Candidates need not come to SD Centre for registration. They can send the applications by post also. Registration card will be issued then and there to those who come directly. Otherwise it will be sent by post. 
6. In Colleges, Principal/Placement officer/HODs/students leaders can take initiative to collect applications of a group of students and submit to SDC. Registration cards will be given to those who come with the applications to SDC on the same day if time permits; otherwise it will be sent by post. 
7. Registration card is required to attend walk-in- interviews organized by SD Centre. 
8. The candidates are directed to register in the national Web portal also to undergo apprentice training ( and keep a printout of user-id and password. If any doubts/issues regarding online registration, please communicate with IT officer of Board of Apprenticeship Training (BOAT) in the mail-id NB: Registration Card is required to attend the interviews 

Unpaid apprenticeship training is being given to the students for 6 months only. For joining as unpaid apprentice in KSEBL, the students should produce the following details
(a) Student’s request
(b) Self attested copy of the qualification certificate/provisional certificate
(c) Self attested copy of photo identity card (Voters id, Driving license, etc.)
Apart from the above students should execute an Indemnity Bond on stamp paper worth Rs.200/- during the training period.
These employees are deputed for training in various reputed institutions like ESCI, CPRI, CIRE, NPTI, NTPC, etc for expertise and for knowledge upgradation. Month wise schedule for the selected programmes are being published in the official website.



