1.Customer Care Number:Customer Care Centre (24 x7), 1912, +91 471 2555544, All enquiries and complaints of consumers round the clock,365 days.
2.Section Name:The section  to which the consumer belongs.

3.Section Office Phone Number: The Landline number of the concerned section.

4.Barcode:The barcode  is used to identify the consumer while we pay cash in section offices.But the facility is available in limited  number of sections.

5.Consumer Number:The Unique 13 digit number assigned to a consumer by KSEB starting with C#. First part 11 is commen to all   sections ,next 4 digit is the section code.The last 4/5 digit  is usually affixed in consumer premises.The remaining part is the check digits.

6.Bill Number: This number is unique for a customer and is used to identify while we pay the bill online.

7.Name :Name  of the consumer or the firm.

8.Pole:The number assigned to the electric post from which the electric connection is taken.

9.Transformer:The transformer from which the LT line(415v/230v) is coming to the consumer premises.

10.Area/Day/Walk:Each Section is divided into A and B zone for Bi-Monthly Billing with areas A01,A02....and B01,B02... respectively.Also for  the monthly bill M01,M02....etc.Day is the  date of the month in which reading is taken usually,And Walking order is the serial number of consumers in the Area.This is arranged  for the sake of Meter Readers.

11.Bill Date:The date in which bill is given(Scheduled Date) to the consumer.

12.Due Date: The lat  date assigned to pay the bill without fine(Surcharge).It is upto 10 days from bill date.

13.Disconnection Date(DC Date): The date in which the KSEB Officials  are  intended to cut our  connection  due to unpaid bills.It is upto 25 days from bill date.

14&15.Tariff and Purpose: The tariff assigned to the consumer.

LT-4A-Industrial/Drinking Water Projects.
LT-7B-Commercial(Small Shop/Bunk)
LT-6F-Construction/Mobile Towers/Un-aided Schools
LT-6D-Govt,  Aided School.
LT-6G-Medical Lab
LT-10- Electric Charging Stations(New)


16.Security Deposit:To Know more Click Here

17.Meter Status:It indicates the meter status.

OK-Meter in Good condition

SF-Suspected Faulty-Meter is suspected as in faulty condition.In this condition ,the consumer should request  for  immediate meter  change or correction of our average consumption. Otherwise Ex-system bills are generated by audit officials in later years.

DG- Meter in Damage.

DL-Door Lock-In supply interrupted times,and the meter does not have sufficient battery backup the bill is given by an average  calculated by the SBM(Spot Billing Machine).Also if the display is not working the above method is followed.

18.Load: The load in kW(rounded)assigned to the consumer.

19.Contract Demand:Load in kVA .If its 1.2 kVA,Actual load is  1200 Watts.

20.Phase:1(Single phase),3(Three phase).

21.Previous Reading Date:The date in which the reading is taken before.

22.Present  Reading Date:The date in which  the reading is taken.

23.Meter OMF: Multiplication factor is very important in Billing.

24.Current Reading:The present meter reading in kWH (or CkWh/t1+t2+t3 in 3 phase)for single phase.We  should ensure the correctness of the reading.

25.Previous Reading :The last reading available.

Consumption=Current Reading-Previous Reading 

27.Average Consumption:
It is calculated automatically   based on our previous consumption,

27A.Bill Calculation:The split up of bill is mentioned here.

28.Payment Calculation: The advances and adjustments are  explained  here.The amount Payable is the amount has to be paid by the consumer.

29.Name and Designation of the meter reader.

30.Date and Time of Billing.


  1. Thank you very much for this information. Very helpful indeed. Hope you can share more information on how OMF is arrived at. Is it always 1, or does it change

  2. For electric connections with small loads, direct reading electric meters connected with small size conductors are installed where in full current drawn by the load is measured by the meter. Therefore the multiplication factor shall be one.
    But on higher(in trivector meter with C T and P T)loads, Multiplication Factor of Energy Meter is calculated as below. Multiplication Factor = (External CT Ratio x External PT Ratio) / (Meter CT Ratio x Meter PT Ratio) You can find the meter CT and PT ratio in the manufacturer manual.
